Darwin and adornment

There is massive contemporary interest in Darwin and ethics.   I have finished the book I mentioned a few posts back (http://www.ethicsoffashion.com/courting-birds-huizinga-right/).  The author’s argument is that evolution develops along two fronts, and one of these is aesthetic. Though Darwin himself argued this, contemporary Darwinism does not agree.   It is scientific orthodoxy that biological…

Is fashion moral because global?

Anyone who follows the fashion pages knows that since Brexit it has become axiomatic that fashion is global and that means fashion is on the side of the angels.  For this axiom fully on display, see: https://i-d.vice.com/en_uk/article/wjjjay/an-interview-with-maria-grazia-chiuri-dior.   Of course, I have seen no fashion page defending this idea philosophically.  In an earlier post, I point…

Fabric of the saints

*It is with great delight that I introduce readers to Chris Wojtulewicz.  Chris is a Catholic theologian, living in England and interested in post-modernism.  It’s my hope that Chris will be a regular contributor.  Chris is the author of monographs on medieval mysticism, especially Meister Eckhart, and is currently at work on a book about…

Tiffany & Co.: Adam Smith to the rescue

What sort of business issue is it when a company has lost its `cool’? A recent WSJ article gives us a tantalizing scenario of executives meeting to discuss how their firm can regain its `cool.’   The article chronicles the troubled leadership of Frederic Cumenal, recently fired as CEO of Tiffany & Co. (https://www.wsj.com/articles/tiffany-hunts-for-path-to-regain-cool-1499621248). Attention…

Fashion and nation

Ever since Brexit there has been a constant drumbeat in fashion commentary about the pernicious character of national consciousness.  I have delayed writing about the topic, yet in over a year I have not come across a thoughtful reflection on fashion and nation. Though undeveloped, a recent Chinese graduate of Central Saint Martin’s makes a…

Are flowers and fashion very like?

In a very charming article on the role flowers play in fashion, someone observes, “flowers and fashion seem effortlessly entwined; the perfect fit; an obvious match” (https://www.businessoffashion.com/articles/intelligence/how-floristry-became-a-fashion-business?utm_source=Subscribers&utm_campaign=861a23aef9-sat-nl-draft&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_d2191372b3-861a23aef9-417297929). There is no industry where more flowers are exchanged amongst parties than fashion.  The claim above says more, though: fashion and flowers are “the perfect fit.”  The article…